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Languages for working with news media publications

Several languages based on XML have been developed for the description of news materials.

The Cogitum SenseViewertm technology utilizes what has been achieved by these languages in order to provide users with access to the "meaning" of a news item.

With a product based on SenseViewertm technology, users can make more effective use of the incoming news: having direct access to all the most relevant materials from the entire mass of news, they can make a "laser beam" search.

Application of SenseViewertm technology for news media materials

One of the natural fields for application of SenseViewertm technology is in the area of structuring of document flows, especially news media materials.

The system can be used equally for traditional and for specialized news, such as financial news.

The SenseViewertm technology integrates the standard XML approach with the achievements of specialized languages for marking up news information, including NITF and NewsML.

SenseViewertm creates additional advantages for the user, such as more effective analysis, and search and navigation through documents by utilizing the "sense" of the documents.

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