What is Cogitum Co-Citer ?
Cogitum Co-Citer is a tool for creating collections of texts from the Internet. It automatically captures the selected text, its Internet address, its title and date of adding to the database.

The Cogitum Co-Citer screenshot
The program even allows you to assign your own comments and place it to a specified folder. Once a text has been grabbed, you can:
- Create and manage new collections;
- Create and manage folders for organizing texts;
- Add comments about the grabbed text;
- Sort records according to various criteria;
- Follow the link associated with the grabbed text just by clicking on it;
- Import/export collections to work with them at other computers, to split a large collection into smaller ones, or to combine small collections into a larger one;
- Publish the collection as a Web page;
- Send the collection by e-mail;
- Control how the grabbed texts and information are displayed;
- Search the collection;
- Print texts from a collection;
- Delete grabbed texts from the collection.
Cogitum Co-Citer runs under Windows 95/98/2000/NT and requires Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0 or higher. If you are not sure what browser do you have you can click here to get your browser name and version.